Caption: Executive Committee members Deirdre Verne (left) and Gwen Roundtree Evans (right) at work on the mailing of ballots to union members regarding proposed changes to WCCFT’s Constitution. The changes were overwhelmingly approved in the following weeks. Ironically, one of those changes eliminates the need for mailing paper ballots, making scenes like this one a thing of the past. Photo by Joe Sgammato
Joyce Cassidy, chair of the Constitution and By-laws Committee reports: “After working together for several years, the Constitution Committee is pleased to announce that all proposed revisions to the WCCFT Constitution were approved—first accepted by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee and subsequently ratified by mailed in ballots from the entire membership.”
President Jim Werner reported at the December membership meeting that the final vote tally was 137 members in favor, three opposed, and two abstaining.